Tagged: expositie


23-24-25 oktober van 10:00 tot 22:00

Na New York, Moskou, Teheran, Berlijn en vele andere plaatsen is nu UTRECHT aan de beurt. André Smits fotografeert over de hele wereld kunstenaars, op de rug gezien, in hun atelier. De afgelopen twee weken zijn 56 kunstenaars in Utrecht gefotografeerd. Deze foto’s, samen met een kunstwerk van de desbetreffende kunstenaars, zullen verwerkt worden in een allesomvattende wandschildering in de galerie. Daarnaast zal Monika Dahlberg in de wandschildering werk plaatsen en ter plekke een gigantische sculptuur vervaardigen.

Alle werken zijn te koop (max €1.000,-) en bij aankoop zal een deel ten goede komen aan het project ARTISTINTHEWORLD.

Een expositie die je niet mag missen!

We houden rekening met de Corona-regels: max. 10 bezoekers in de galerie en 1,5 m afstand bewaren. We adviseren een mondkapje te dragen.


Sounds Familiar @ Lauwer, The Hague, NL (solo exhibition!)

I’m a terrible person not updating this blog very often…. but I’m giving it my best shot, again. But hey, here’s some great news! This Saturday, tomorrow!, on the 7th of September my solo show Sounds Familiar will open at Lauwer gallery in The Hague, NL!!

With works I made during my stay at the Aria Residency in Iran, works I made as a follow-up of my stay in Iran, some soft weapons and some naked bums. Plenty of art for all!


Expoplu Engage: On the line of the Equator

Expoplu Engage: On the Line of the Equator

17.05.2019 – 09.06.2019
Opening 17.05.2019 / 20:00 – 23:00

Curator: Youri Appelo

Kunstenaars: Mirte van Duppen, Hannah Dawn Henderson, Joyce Overheul, Julius Thissen, Eef Veldkamp, Puck Verkade

Meestal als er in de krant iets te lezen is over ongelijkheid, heeft dit vaak betrekking tot financiële (on)gelijkheid. Zoals geregeld te lezen is, begint het gat tussen de allerrijksten en allerarmsten steeds verder te groeien. On the Line of the Equator vraagt zich af of de vraag in hoeverre wij gelijk zijn in de samenleving, alleen te beantwoorden is door een financiële balans op te maken. Gelijkheid en ongelijkheid zijn verschijnselen die op meer terreinen van toepassing zijn dan alleen die van het kapitaal en bezit. On the Line of the Equator staat stil bij meerdere voorbeelden waarin ongelijkheid wordt blootgelegd; soms op een directe en kritische wijze, soms op een poëtische of humoristische wijze.

Het onderzoeken van een thema zoals gelijkheid binnen het format van een tentoonstelling is een ingewikkelde doelstelling. Vragen doemen dan ook direct op: gelijkheid op globale schaal? Of alleen hier in Nederland? En waar heeft de onderzochte gelijkheid betrekking op? Op geld? Gender? Of drinkwater? De meeste vormen van ongelijkheid blijken zich ten eerste te bevinden in een complex web van omstandigheden, oorzaken en belangen, waarbij grote onderliggende en onzichtbare structuren soms een belangrijke rol spelen. Seksisme, gender ongelijkheid, (institutioneel) racisme, discriminatie op basis van nationaliteit en vormen van financiële ongelijkheid zijn voorbeelden waarbij ongelijkheid wortels heeft in diepere structuren, zoals overblijfselen van een koloniaal verleden, de vorming van staten, kapitalisme en de invloed van religie op onze normen en waarden. Ten tweede zijn er voorbeelden waar ongelijkheid resultaat is van een veelvoud aan factoren, oftewel waar sprake is van intersectionaliteit. Hoewel het symbool voor gelijkheid een weegschaal is, groeit het bewustzijn dat ongelijkheid niet slechts aan twee kanten te meten is.

De titel On the Line of the Equator is een metafoor voor het idee dat van een koorddanser die balanceert op de (denkbeeldige) lijn van de evenaar; het middelpunt van onze planeet dat balanceert tussen twee magnetische polen. Het verwijst naar de fragiliteit van het balanceren van de koorddanser, en onderstreept de continue beweging; van links naar rechts, van voren naar achteren en van boven naar onderen. Bij een val wordt er willekeurig en onbedoeld positie gekozen boven of onder de evenaar terecht te komen.

Kunst is in staat grenzen op te heffen, onderliggende structuren zichtbaar te maken en een poëtisch toekomst narratief uiteen te zetten. On the Line of the Equator poogt vormen van ongelijkheid en haar oorzaken te confronteren om uiteindelijk een voedingsbodem te creëren voor verandering. Of zoals James Baldwin zei: “Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced”.

The new tapestry @ Willem Twee, Den Bosch

Yes, I’ve finished a new tapestry! Based on one of the street photos I took during my visit to Tehran, Iran.

The tapestry and photos from a brand new photo series (‘Men of Quality’) will be on view until the 26th of May. Below you can also see the banner I made in Iran which was used to take photos on the streets with passersby. The banner is made entirely by hand, its letters exist out of beadwork. All fabrics used for the banner were purchased in Tehran, Iran.



Artist in residence at Bergarde Galleries for the new exhibition PLAYGROUND


Above: the campsite during the evening at Landgoed Het Buitenland

I’m a bit off the radar this year. First I stayed in Iran for a month, then I went into hiding in a tent at Bergarde Galleries.

Read more about my camp trip and the project in general over here: https://bergarde.com/nieuws/kunstenaar-op-het-landgoed/

SANAA Selected!


UPCOMING SANAA Selected! opening Friday 23th of November 17.00-19.00. Showing works of more than 30 artists. Save the date. Curated by Lydia van Oosten, Henk Logman and Berthe Schoonman. On view until the 13th of January.

My rug ‘Korean Promises’ will be part of this exhibition.

SANAA Selected! shows work of 39 artists: Van Andrea, Fatima Barznge, Mariaan van den Berg, Paul Bogaers, Option Dzikamai Nyahunzvi, Victor Ekpuk, Isabel Ferrand, Nan Groot Antink, Sam Hersbach, Patsheli Kahamba, Paul Klemann, Rabi Koria, Ton Kraayeveld, Jamila Lamrani, Joris Link, Mario Macilau, Miguel Marajo, Alex Mawimbi, Tilmann Meyer-Faje, Myriam Mihindou, Joel Mpah Dooh, Terrence Musekiwa, Bob Negryn, Uche Okpa Iroha, Natalia Ossef, Joyce Overheul, Cecilia Rebergen, Robert Roest, Elfletterig Genootschap PJ Roggeband, Heidi Sincuba, Mouna Jessica Skowroneck, Boris Anje Tabufor, Benine du Toit, Jouni Toni, Michael Tsegaye, The Ceramics of Adriaan de Villiers, Guy Vording, Atelier Anneke Wilbrink, Halina Zalewska.

New work ‘Korean Promises’ at CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE @ In de Ruimte, Ghent


Oh look at that! This new baby will be on my portfolio website soon.

More info:



Civil Disobedience @ In de Ruimte, Gent (BE)


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At this exhibition, I will be showing a new work! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Publiek programma 18.05.2018 – 03.06.3018

Vanaf 18 mei tot 3 juni gaat In De Ruimte op zoek naar de grijze zone. De plek waar artistieke ambitie en burgerlijke verantwoordelijkheid elkaar kruisen. Is de huidige politieke, economische en sociale ruimte nog rekbaar en hoe kunnen kunstenaars deze ruimte herindelen?

Kunstenaars Harmen de Hoop, Eddy Joseph De Buf, Sil Flann Krol, Sarah Lauwaert, Willem De Haan, Marijs Kempynck, Joyce Overheul, Charlotte Ros, Roeland van Trigt, Sam Gunst + TBA

Civil Disobedience is een oproep naar kunstenaars en burgers om ‘protest objecten’ te presenteren die aansluiten bij hun eigen visie over het huidige maatschappelijke systeem. We onderzoeken destructieve en utopische visies en alles wat daar tussen valt.

We exposeren een autonome situatie die zich binnen en buiten de expositieruimte begeeft.

Gedurende drie weken vinden er lezingen, workshops, een tentoonstelling en interventies plaats in en rond In De Ruimte, Gent.

Gesteund door Stad Gent en Kunstencentrum Vooruit

Young Utrecht Delight @ Galerie Sanaa, Utrecht (NL)


Above: sneak peek of a new work!


Galerie Sanaa presents Young Utrecht Delight. Showing the combined but diverse work of young HKU alumni. Jessica Skowroneck shows pure paintings that radiates with light. RaQuel van Haver is interested in the interaction and abrasion between identity, background and ethnicity. Guy Vording looks for photographs and texts that almost always have to do with events where the control is lost. In the sculptural paintings of Cecilia Rebergen she searches for the boundaries of the painted object. Joyce Overheul creates and manipulates human behavior and confronts people with their own actions through multiple media. Benine du Toit analyses tensions, emotion and reluctance toward one another in South Africa. Mariaan van den Berg focuses on adaptability through her spacial works. The work of Robert Roest is visually rooted in both the contemporary world of new media as in the history of painting.

Opening: 28th of April, 16:00hr. Galerie Sanaa, Jansdam 2, Utrecht (NL).

De kunst van het lezen / The Art of Reading @ Museum Meermanno, The Hague, NL

Uitnodiging Dekunstvanlezen, Huis van het boek.jpg

My project Rogier (De drie maanden uit het leven van Rogier / Three months in the life of Rogier) will be on view at Museum Meermanno, as part of the exhibition ‘De kunst van lezen. Van William Kentridge tot Wikipedia’/The art of reading. From William Kentridge to Wikipedia.

New project @ Vijandschap Exhibition @ Fort Maarsseveen


Opening tomorrow: the exhibition VijandSchap at Fort Maarsseveen (near Utrecht, NL).

Over there I will present a new research project on lying, liespotting and designing your truth. Hope to see you there, the opening starts tomorrow at 17hr sharp! The exhibition will run during opening hours of the venue until the 14th of May.

Have a look at http://www.c-fordt.nl for more info about the exhibition and side program,

Have a look at http://www.rondleidingbijhetfort.nl (Dutch only at this moment) for a sneak peek of my latest project.


Aanstormend talent bij MIJ, Musuem IJsselstein

Uitnodiging Pouloeuff2017Header

From the 11th of March until the 28th of May, my project 1000 CRANES will be part of the exhibition Aanstormend talent bij MIJ (upcoming talent bij MIJ/”ME”) at Museum IJsselstein, located in (well duh) IJsselstein, The Netherlands.

For the Dutchies among you, here’s some more info about the opening and exhibition in general: http://www.museumijsselstein.nl/activiteiten/uitnodiging-opening-aanstormend-talent-bij-mij

On the 30th of April and 6th of May I will host a workshop about the Japanese tradition of Senbazuru and on the 18th of May there will be an artist talk (incl me of course) about the entire project.

More info about this project can be found on my website: http://joyceoverheul.com/works/cranes.html

Hope to see you there!

Recap Art Rotterdam. PICTURES!

Please note the order’s totally random.


Above: my AK in its lihtbox at Patty Morgan’s Boardroom Sessions.
Below: the performers who helped me out to perform The Gaze on Sunday + me.



Above: We Like Art! made my print on aluminum of the P7 one of their recommended works for the fair’s visitors.
Below: last preparations for the performance of The Gaze.



Above: people looking at my work. I know, my phone camera sucks. Another reason to purchase a print of mine, so I can replace my phone.
Below: my P7 print at the We Like Art! exhibit.Yes, you can see the magic dots of sales over there!



Above: just one more minute to go ’til my artist talk at Prospects & Concepts, the Mondriaan Fund exhibition at Art Rotterdam,
Below: a slightly more decent photo of the light box. (Well I told you my phone was shitty, didn’t I…)



Above: the workspace program at Prospects & Concepts,
Below: the sign Patty Morgan puts up when they borrow an artwork for their Boardroom Sessions.



Above: and last what actually should have gone first: a photo of the grand opening.

Rogier @ Design My Privacy, MOTI Museum of the Image, Breda (NL)

On view until the 25th of January!

That’s plenty of time to go read the book at the museum, lol.

rogiermoti-web1  rogiermoti-web3


Rogier @ Galerie ‘t Atrium, Zutphen


Some photos of the opening day of Project Rogier at Galerie ‘t Atrium in Zutphen (NL)!

The exhibition wil run until the 30th of October.

I made the local newspapers 3 times, wow!


Click on the read more tag for some more pictures!

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There is Absolutely No Cause for Alarm @ De Punt, Amsterdam


Yep, that bright number is my work for this exhibition! ON AIR is a wifi tracking device that shows how many people in the space are traceable by the devices they’re carrying with them. It traced the visitors of both parts of the exhibition, both at De Punt and Studio Kepler. IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE!

Click >here< to see more photos of this exhibition.

Some snapshots from Noorderlicht Photography!

Here we go!

Special thanks goes to the Noorderlicht crew for making this exhibition look amazing, and the Mondriaan Fund for supporting my work!

1000 cranes – update!


So I’m currently working on a performance where I’ll fold 1000 cranes according to the Japanese tradition, and I just wanted to share some pictures with you. Things are going steady, and with 4 days of folding/working I already made the railing system to keep all birds up, and folded 172 birds. This might not seem like an awful lot, but the first birds went reeealllly slow, haha.

Keep track of my progress online via Instagram: @joyce1000cranes

Or drop by at Galerie Sanaa, Utrecht on Wednesdays ’til Sundays from 12 until 18hr!




Opening on the 29th of May: AK47 in Artspace Flipside, Eindhoven!


Here I will show you the satin rifle I made, of which you could see a work-in-progress photo a couple blog posts earlier.

Some text from the press release:

The Kalashnikov is an iconic weapon. The silhouette is very recognizable, particularly due to the curved
magazine at the bottom. The efficiency and the ability to use it in almost all circumstances, makes the AK 47
a global symbol. Images abound from child soldiers to freedom fighters parading and posing for photos with
this machine gun. It has found its way onto flags and tattoos. Through its recognition, the image also serves
as a symbol against the established order. Time for reflection and discussion. How does an artist deal this

Participating artists:
Stef Fridael, Anthony Kleinepier, GTVR, Victor Sonna, Joshua Rutgers, Lody van Dulken, Daniel Wechsler,
Nick J. Swarth, Sjoerd van Lankveld, Goof Salimans, Rient van Tiggelaar, Freek M. Willems, Lucia
Sotnikova, Imke Brunzema, Fieke van Berkom, Jordy Koevoets, Yosvany Malagon, Jan Willem Campmans,
Daniel Djamo, David Marszewski, Joseph Huot, Erik Vermeulen, Paul Verwilligen, Munne, Luk Sponselee,
Dennis Voorkennis, Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert, Art van Triest, Joyce Overheul, Sierk van Meeuwen,
Tom Velthuis, Toos Nijssen, Grafische Ongehoorzaamheid and Klaus Pinter

Official Opening: Friday 29th of May 2015, starting at 20hr.

Exhibition: 30th of May-12th of July 2015
Opening hours: Sat/Sun/Wed 13-17hr, or schedule an appointment via ak47@kolonne.nl
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/384973805038440/
website: http://www.artspaceflipside.nl/agenda.html

Coming up: UtrechtDownUnder in a prison!


My work has been selected to be part of the upcoming UtrechtDownUnder exhibition in the city centre of Utrecht (NL). Two years ago the exhibition was held in the cellars of the Oudegracht (canals) in Utrecht, this year the exhibition will be held in the freshly deserted Wolvenplein prison.

Yesterday I went there to have a look at the location and it was very very awesome!

After the break you can see some more photos.

UtrechtDownUnder: Onder Controle (Under Control)
1st-31st of May 2015
Wolvenplein 1, Utrecht (NL)

Click >here< to go to UtrechtDownUnder’s website.

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Opening @ Kunstliefde, Utrecht

Some pictures of last Sunday’s opening at Kunstliefde:



My DPRK project will be on view until the 8th of March.
Go to >www.kunstliefde.nl< for more info on the exhibition.

More pictures after the break:

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Upcoming: Exhibition “De Belofte Ingelost”


Opening on the 7th of February: the anniversary edition of De Belofte (“the promise”) exhibition series at Kunstliefde. This year the De Belofte-programme exists for 10 years and this exhibition shows you previous participants of the last 10 years, including meeee! Yoohoo!

There’s an opening party on the 8th of February starting at 16:00hr at Kunstliefde. The exhibition will be opened by Frank Koolen, artist and tutor at the Utrecht School of the Arts, who lectured many of the participating artists (again, including meeee).

At this exhibition the video I made while I was in the DPRK will be shown, together with some souvenirs, an essay/travel journal-thingy I wrote for this exhibition and a podcast describing all the things I was not allowed to capture on video.

Hope to see you there!! It’s going to be a great exhibition.

Click >here< to go to Kunstliefde’s website.


Exhibition: Urban Paradise. 10th of October-2nd of November


Upcoming exhibition at City Campus MAX: Urban Paradise

Opening: 10th of October, 19:00hr. On view until the 2nd of November (only open on weekends from 13:00-17:00hr).

Participating artists: Thera Clazing, Daniëlle Frenken, Ivor Helberg, Joyce Overheul, Robert Roest, Yentl van Stokkum, Mayke Verhoeven.

This will be the first exhibition featuring my DPRK video project, and also the 4 videos I made for the exhibition at Collectief Derde Wal.

Hope to see you there! 🙂

Opening next Friday: solo exhibition at De Kijkdoos

Rogier at Kunstenlab, Deventer, 2014

Rogier at Kunstenlab, Deventer, 2014

Opening: 4th of April, 17:00hr.

DE KIJKDOOS is proud to host solo exhibition Rogier by Joyce Overheul.
DE KIJKDOOS COMMENT by Suzie Herman & Janneke van der Vloed.

Rogier shared so much about himself online that it was possible to base a novel on it.

DE KIJKDOOS would be pleased to see you at the opening on Friday 4th April 2014 at 5pm till 7pm.

Reading out loud by Joyce Overheul at 6pm

The book will be available for a great price!


Scholars visit ‘Watching (over) me’

Yesterday two groups of school students visited the ‘Watching (over) me’ exhibition at Kunstenlab, Deventer (NL) as part of their educational programme, and made some assignments considering the displayed art projects.

Photo 19-03-14 13 33 21Some of my works are part of the project: 24H, Rogier and Merging Spaces. Click >here< for some more pictures of the exhibition. PICTURES, BABY!

Click >here< to go to Kunstenlab’s website. ‘Watching (over) me’ is still on view until the 13th of April.

Opening: ‘Watching (over) me’, 2nd of March at Kunstenlab, Deventer (NL)


24H, photo made while filming

The exhibition about privacy, titled ‘Watching (over) me’, at Kunstenlab, Deventer will be open for view from the 27th of February until the 13th of April.

The official opening of the exhibition will be held on the 2nd of March, 16:00hr. Three of my projects will be included in this group show: Rogier, 24H and Merging Spaces. Hope to see you there! 🙂

Click >here< for more information about the exhibition on Kunstenlab’s website, or read the text below:

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Exhibition update: ‘Privacy’, Kunstenlab, Deventer

Not only the Rogier project will be on view at the exhibition about privacy at Kunstenlab, Deventer (NL), but also Merging Spaces and 24H! That’s a nice development!

Click on ‘more’ if you want to know more about the projects that will be shown at the exhibition.

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Exhibition extended: CC: Casco Concreet

IT - Performance no.2, Leidseplein

My participation in the CC: Casco Concreet exhbition is extended until the end of their show. The video documentation of a series of performances I realized for De Appel Arts Centre, as part of the exhibition ‘Three Artists Walk Into A Bar…’ will be screened until the 2nd of February.
The exhibition space will be opened for public every Wednesday and Sunday, from noon ’til 19hr.

CC: Casco Concreet
Europaplein 702, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Stay up to date about this exhbition and the other artists involved trough Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CascoConcreet

New screening! 12th of January, Nieuwjaarsduik at CC: Casco Concreet

24H, filmstill

My film 24H (formerly known as iFollow) will be on screen at the extra opening of CC: Casco Concreet (don’t know why they’re having an ‘extra opening, but hey.. I’m not complaining), from 11:00 ’til 20:00.

Here’s a trailer of the 24 hour real time film, where I followed a random person exactly for 1 day (without editing the film afterwards, or applying censorship during filming), to see what happens if someone starts to share everything (and can’t escape it either for one day).

Joyce Overheul, artist / iFollow – online trailer from Joyce Overheul on Vimeo.

CC: Casco Concreet, Europaplein 702, Utrecht, The Netherlands
The exhibition space is open for public from 11:00 ’til 20:00.

‘Surface to Space’ for LUCY

Surface to Space (TE ZIEN) | Lucyindelucht


Click on the link above to read another review I’ve written for LUCY in de lucht, a ‘floating’ platform for art in Utrecht.
(link opens in a new window)

Unfortunately for the non-Dutchies, the text is available in Dutch only….

BETER Consortium – om in te nemen

The Dr. Pill project is featured in this publication from BETER Consortium, ‘om in te nemen’. During a 3 month exhibition, visitors were examined if they experienced ‘real’ art in an other way than fake or ‘placebo’ art. Both the real and the placebo Dr. Pill-pills were part of the exhibition.

The book cover.

The book cover.

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