Category: funding

Great news!


Two days ago I heard I have received a Stipendium Program for Emerging Artists, granted by the Mondriaan Fund!! I’m so happy it almost hurts!

Something about the Mondriaan Fund:
“The Mondriaan Fund is a publicly financed fund for visual art and cultural heritage. It supports innovative projects and activities by visual artists, intermediaries (curators and critics), museums and other heritage organizations, art institutions, archives, galleries and commissioning parties. All grants are awarded with a view to promoting the production and presentation of relevant Dutch visual art and heritage in the Netherlands and abroad, where a commercial market is (yet) undeveloped.”

This will make so many things so much easier in the near future. I was saving money to buy a professional video camera and decent projector but it was taking way too long and it really started to hold me down when exhibiting new projects with non-decent equipment…. So this will be really, really helpful! Also I want to use a part of the stipend to hire translators for my web shops, so my self-generated income will expand in the near future as well.

I’ll keep you posted on which projects will be realized during the year I receive this stipend through my personal website and this blog.

Click >here< to go to the Mondriaan Fund’s website.

New website online – pattern designs

As some of you know I design crochet patterns to raise money for my art projects and to pay my bills. And food. And basically almost everything else.

After setting up several web shops on platforms Etsy, Ravelry and others, I finally managed to make one general website of my pattern designs. Feel free to check it out:


The web shop part isn’t live yet, I still need to figure things out to make it completely automatized so I don’t have to worry anymore about mailing out digital patterns or invoices.

In the end I hope to become completely independent as an artist, which will provide me tons of freedom and the best opportunities to create art projects with no interference of third parties at all. I believe every kind of censorship starts with interference, and therefore interference of f.i. governments or institutions where any kind of accountability is wanted from their side, should be avoided as much as possible.

So: independence, here we come! 🙂